Staying on track during the weekends and vacations

There are so many things going on around that can easily derail our progress. 

Staying on track during the weekends and vacations.

Staying on track during the weekends and vacations.

We want to enjoy and have fun especially weekends, vacations and when we eat out. 

This means finding a balance and all things in moderation.

Vacations may not be the time to be strict and do intense workouts, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t stay on track.

You can still be active. 

Here are some tips to help guide your choices. 

1. PLAN!

If you don't plan then you plan to fail. 

We must PLAN for how to handle temptations.

Decide when we should indulge and when we shouldn’t? 

What to indulge in and even substitutes. 

PLAN to eat well  so you can indulge more at other fun and more important events. 

PLAN to workout hard on days we don’t have to work late and we have spare time and be prepared with some quick home workouts on days  we can’t go to the gym. 

PLAN around  these events don't avoid them. 

It's OK to indulge in some  of your favorite meals but portion control is important. 

It's OK to skip one workout or two. 

By indulging we can actually make it easier for us to stay on track for the majority of the time. Staying deprived won't help matters. It isn’t the occasional indulgence or the occasional missed workout that matters.

You don’t need to strive for perfection but progress. You just need to be CONSISTENT.

Indulging isn’t bad once in a while, especially if we enjoy it and then get back on track.Because indulging and getting to enjoy can help us not feel deprived so that we can stick to the lifestyle changes we are making. 

If instead we don’t allow ourselves to indulge and we start to feel deprived, we will probably end up  eating badly and missing more workouts than we would if we had simply indulged and gotten to enjoy when we wanted to.

Sometimes indulging actually helps keep you on track, especially if you PLAN FOR IT!

Saying you want to stay on track isn’t enough.But planning out how to handle everything will keep you on track. 

2. Moderation and balance

– Clean Eating, Working Out And Indulging

Coming up with a plan  can help you stay on track and help you balance eating well with indulging.

It doesn’t mean eating only fish and vegetables or doing hour-long workouts every day.

 It doesn’t mean avoiding those things you enjoy and forcing yourself to go to the gym.

It just means you have to make moderation and balance key. 

It may  mean working out on the same schedule but doing 30 minute workouts instead of your regular 1 hour just so you stay consistent and on track.

Plan your menu, meal prep.

If you have healthy meals prepared, you are less likely to fall victim to treats. You don’t  want the treats, but will indulge in if you don’t have healthy foods available. 

Apart from the meal plan, plan out your workouts. These workouts don't have to be long or hard.Maybe the workouts will just  help you maintain and stay active. But plan out workouts that you know you can fit in and do. 

Have options of home workouts if no gym around. 

Moving your body and staying active is still something and  better than nothing and keeps you in the routine and on schedule. Also being disciplined and consistent even if they are not your usual exercises.

 3. It's ok to say " No"

It is hard to say “No” sometimes to sweets and desserts at parties, events and vacations even when you don’t really want them. 

It is  easier to give into peer pressure.

But if you want to stay on track, you need to say “No" sometimes. It is good to have healthy goals. Don't be sorry wanting to eat healthy and workout. Don't be embarrassed about it. Let it be clear. It isn’t a bad thing no matter how much friends and coworkers try to make you feel  guilty. 

Saying, “No” helps you find a balance between indulging and still working toward your goals. Also learn how not to feel guilty about saying, “Yes” to other sweets and desserts.

Balance leads to consistency which invariably leads to accomplishing your goals.

4. Don’t feel Deprived

Saying, “No” and not giving in to indulging always to anything that comes your way, but also do not completely deprive yourself.Learning to say, “No” also means learning it is ok to sometimes say, “Yes.” sometimes. You have to find a balance because balance which leads to consistency and unto your goals.

If you don’t find a balance between indulging and being committed you will probably end up feeling deprived, which will lead to bingeing and then guilt. Bingeing leads you down a path you can't accomplish your goals.

Perfection isn’t important but consistency makes all the difference. 

Depriving yourself of every food you enjoy, or forcing yourself to workout when you don’t have the energy won’t lead to faster results. Rest is part of the journey. 

Only true  lifestyle changes creates results that are sustainable. 

Constant deprivation is recipe for failure. 

5. Keep It Simple

When we are unprepared and hungry, we make poor choices. 

When stressed and come home after a busy day at work or come home late after the gym, the last thing we want to do is have to cook.

Meal prep is so important! 

Planning out and prepping your meals ahead of time reduces your stress during the week and make it easier to eat well. 

You can  have healthy meals quickly and easily so you won’t be so easily tempted by unhealthy foods. 

Make things easier keep your meal prep simple.

You can use grilled chicken for instance in more recipes that allow you to keep your prep as simple as possible and still tasty. 

Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring. 

Use spices, herbs, low salt. Season everything. Find recipes you enjoy. And then prep them ahead of time so you don't indulge when you are hungry, tired, stressed, exhausted and don’t feel like cooking.

Prep SNACKS. Have healthy go-tos available…Like seeds,nuts, fruits, vegetables, peanut butter, almond butter,hummus,avocado mash, guacamole, cheese, and boiled eggs.

6.- Do Quick Home Workouts

Quick home workouts that require no equipment and short time like HIIT. 

These short workouts may not be what you would do if you had more time. 

And even if you would prefer to use heavy weights, you can still get in a good workout using just your own bodyweight. 

Both great strength and  cardio workout using just your own bodyweight can be achieved. 

7. Quality  Short Time  Work Outs

If you only have 30 minutes and your own bodyweight, you can get in a great workout and make the most of the time you have.

Do compound exercises like squat, that work more muscle groups at the same time and little rest between exercises so you can get a lot of work done in the short time you have.

A good way to get in a lot of work during the time you do have is to do compound exercises, and full body exercises like Burpees, jumping jacks.

Alternate the areas you work so that one area rests as another one works. 

Do as many  rounds as you can within the time limit. 

8. Stay active! 

Move more throughout the day.

This helps improve your posture after sitting for too long. Stay focused on healthy habits. It can even help you reduce your stress and not want to indulge. Move more by simply standing  or move 1 minute every hour. 

You can also add in a chest stretch, squats every time you get up to go to the toilet. 

9 – Don't beat yourself up

Consistency is key.

Find a balance. 

Perfection isn’t important. 

Sometimes slip ups and unplanned events happen and it's proof we are just human.

And the worst thing you can do is beat yourself up over them or let them lead to binges and guilt and giving up on your goals.

Cut yourself some slack when life happens.

That doesn’t mean giving  up on everything

Sometimes you are going to lack the willpower and eat something you didn’t want to eat. 

Sometimes you are going to be too tired and skip your workout. Sometimes you are going to want to indulge at a party even when you had planned not to.

It's OK.

Enjoy and accept those unplanned events.

Enjoy them and appreciate them. 

10. Set SMART Goals

Have some small, simple daily and weekly goals to hit.. This helps make your long-term goals seem more manageable and gives you things to focus on every day so that you don’t become overwhelmed with achieving your goals. And the simpler you can make these daily and weekly goals, the better off you will be and the easier it will be to stay on track.

Small changes add up to big results so use your daily goals as a way to help instill healthy habits.

They could be drink more water and get up from your desk 5 more minutes during the day than you usually do.

It could be to spend 30 minutes working out.

Could also mean cutting down on your eating out  to eat all the meals you meal prepped.

Make realistic goals that you can accomplish that will get you making progress but not overwhelm you.

A day at a time. Baby steps!

Hitting these daily goals will  lead to keeping you motivated because you will be moving forward and accomplishing something each and every day.

And start with small changes and slowly increase as those changes become habits.

It is also best to write these daily and weekly goals down somewhere that you can see them to help hold you accountable. 

Make sure to write them down and even keep them somewhere you are reminded about them throughout the day. They are achievable and are more tangible.

And then when you do accomplish your weekly or even monthly goals, you need to make sure to reward yourself. Massage, facials, new running shoes, dumbells, kettlebell, or anything you desire. 

Get friends and family involved. Making your goals public or even getting friends together for a little competition can help hold you accountable when you are stressed, tired or simply want to give in. 


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